Here are the steps you need to follow to list/create your store on BIND;
Step 1: Login with your number, OTP will be sent to the number and put in the required OTP in the field.
Step 2: Once your phone number details are added you will receive two options: login as a customer or entrepreneur.
Step 3: Click on login as an entrepreneur, fill in your name and valid email address.
Step 4: Tap on the link from your mobile phone where the app is installed to verify your email address.
Step 5: Add your Aadhar Card details as mentioned in the boxes.
Step 6: A Personal verification for a front face photo holding your aadhar card will be needed to secure your listing and for proof purposes.
Step 7: Add address set your store as per your home address and as per your Aadhar card details through location service.
Step 8: If you are currently living at a temporary address please enter the address from the place you will carry out your business operations.
Step 9: Once location is selected put in your landmark.
Step 10: Fill in the main business category, sub category, what you will be selling, your serviceable radius and udyog aadhar details if you have one. (All details of your business services/goods as per the fields)
Step 11: Once clicked on complete registration: your profile will be under verification.
Step 12: The verification should not take more than 24 hours, after which you can start adding your business username and list your products/services.
NO, your store address can not be different from your home address. You have to keep the same address where you reside. BIND is all about supporting home-run businesses which is why your home should be the place you carry out your business from.
NO, you can not select multiple main business categories.
While, YES, you can select multiple subcategories in your selected main business category.
- Udyog Aadhaar is a twelve digit Unique Identification Number provided by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, by the Government of India for small and medium enterprises, beginning in September 2015. It is also known as Aadhaar for Business.
- Having a Udyog Aadhar gets your store verified (with a verified TICK) and increases the trust factor of the users since it is government verified as well.
- Once you receive an enquiry you will have to use 1 BIND coin to view one enquiry.
- Once you open the enquiry you will be able to view the complete details that an enquirer submitted plus access their contact details on the side where they are made reachable with just a click.
- Every enquiry will have a time limit of 24 hours from the time you receive that enquiry. Once missed the enquiry will expire and you WILL NOT be able to view it later.
- The main reason behind this is to avoid the buffer because the users are expecting a prompt reply.
- Close store: Refers to closing of your virtual store if the business isn’t operating for a few days for any given reason, then the user comes to know that the business is NOT operational. This can be for a temporary basis.
- Open store: Refers to the store being open and back in business.
(NOTE; When you close and reopen your store, you will not be required to fill in the details again.)
As a Bind store owner you will have to contact the team @BIND on [email protected] and ask them to edit the details as per your requirement with verifiable information.
If you want to edit your serviceable radius, as a Bind store owner you will have to contact the team @BIND on [email protected] and ask them to edit the details as per your requirement.
If you want to edit/change your address, as a Bind store owner you will have to contact the team @BIND on [email protected] and ask them to edit the details as per your requirement.
NO, you cannot change your business username once set.